Bliss Routine
Simple, Effective Way To Cure Depression Over Time
This page describes the main program.
Follow the steps in detail.
Do everything in sequence, where indicated.
It will work.
Bliss Routine Summary
Morning Routine
1. Drink four glasses of warm water
2. Tongue Massage
3. Shower routine
4. CCSS routine - Cleanse, charge, stimulate and strengthen the energy centers
5. 20 minute dan-tien walk (this can be done anytime, but morning walks are very good).
6. Transcendental Meditation
Evening Routine
1. Two minute shower. If you have been around people during the day, take a quick two minute shower as soon as you get home and put on some fresh clothes.
2. CCSS routine (optional)
3. 20 minute dan-tien walk (optional)
4. Transcendental Meditation
The evening routine is a good idea if you can fit it in your schedule. But you will still get good results if you only do the routine once a day.
Before Bed Routine
This 2-5 minute routine will help you sleep better, but you may not need it if you are doing the morning routine every day.
General Guidelines
1. Stretching and strengthening exercises
2. Food guidelines
3. Other factors
Morning Routine Details
1. Drink 4 Glasses Of Warm Water
As soon as your feet hit the ground in the morning when you get out of bed, before you brush your teeth, go and drink four glasses of warm water.
If you don't want to heat up the water so it's warm, you can put away a jug of water the night before and drink the water at room temperature. It would be best if the jug you store the water in is made of glass or stainless steel.
As an option, you can drop in a couple of pure silver coins in the jug the night before to charge up the water. Leave the coins in the water and keep refilling it and drink from it all day long, if possible.
2. Tongue Massage
After you brush your teeth, scrape your tongue with a spoon to get the plaque off. Then, after you rinse your mouth, vigorously massage your tongue by rapidly rubbing three fingers back and forth on your tongue for about a minute. Be sure to reach all the way back as well as the front of the tongue.
3. Shower Routine
a) Shower every morning before you start your day. Some people say cold showers do wonders for them, so give it a try. I tried it and I came to the conclusion that a nice comfortable temperature is very soothing for me. The goal is to get you feeling better, so experiment a bit and see what works for you.
b) Before you shower, rub oil all over your body. Just take five minutes to do this. An in-depth self-massage is not necessary... but if you can add some light pressure and rub in the oil so it gets absorbed into the skin you will get better results.
If at all possible, try to leave the oil on your body for 15-20 minutes before you wash it off in the shower. Your happiness levels will increase more quickly.
Some people do yoga exercises after oiling up. You'll find this is a very good practice. The sense of well-being will stay with you all day long.
If possible, use organic, cold pressed, first cut, sesame seed oil, coconut oil or olive oil.
If possible, cure the oil first by putting a drop of water on the oil and heating it on the stove in a large spoon. As soon as the drop of water pops, take the oil off the stove. Apply the oil to your body while it is still warm, if possible. This takes hardly a minute.
c) Take a mouthful of oil and keep it there for 15-20 minutes. Slosh it around your mouth, coating the teeth and gums thoroughly. Take your shower while the oil is in your mouth. After the shower rinse out your mouth.
If oil is not available, take a mouthful of water and keep it there during your shower.
4. 20 Minute CCSS Routine
This whole routine is done while you are doing alternate nostril breathing.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Plug your right nostril with your right hand thumb and breathe in. Then plug your left nostril with your pinkie and ring finger and breathe out through the right nostril. Then breath back in through the right nostril. Then plug your right nostril with your thumb and breathe out.
This is one cycle.
Do this for 20 minutes.
Never stop in the middle of a cycle. Start inhaling with your left nostril and finish by exhaling through your left nostril.
1. There is life energy in the air mixed in with the air. When you breathe in feel life energy going in. When you breathe out, feel impurities and imperfections going out.
2. Use pressure points in your right hand to calm the mind and emotions. This is very good for heart health.
Breakdown Of 20 Minutes Of CCSS
a) First 5 minutes
Feel a ball of soft, red life energy at your perineum. The light has a healing quality. As you breathe in feel the life force going in with the air, into the ball of life energy at the energy centre. Feel the life energy making the ball of light brighter and the life energy going though your body from the perineum energy centre.
Say the word um-rith when the air is going in. The sound triggers the body to create perfect health in all body parts associated with the energy center connected to your perineum. Notice the energy creating perfect health.
Um-rith is normally spelled as amrit, but pronounced as um-rith. It means nectar of immortality, Ambrosia,Water of life. In ancient legends, if a person drinks um-rith they become immortal. In Ayurveda the term is used to describe plants and herbal preparations that are unusually good for health.
b) Second 5 minutes
Feel a ball of soft, orange life energy about two finger widths below your navel (belly button). The light has a healing quality. As you breathe in feel the life force going in with the air, into the ball of life energy at the energy centre. Feel the life energy making the ball of light brighter and the life energy going though your body from your second energy centre.
Say the word um-rith when the air is going in. The sound triggers the body to create perfect health in all body parts associated with the energy center connected to your navel.
c) Third 5 minutes
Feel a ball of soft, yellow life energy about three finger widths above the navel (belly button). The light has a healing quality. As you breathe in feel the life force going in with the air, into the ball of life energy at the energy centre. Feel the life energy making the ball of light brighter and the life energy going though your body from the third energy centre.
Say the word um-rith when the air is going in. The sound triggers the body to create perfect health in all body parts associated with the energy center connected to your belly button.
d) Fourth and final 5 minutes
Feel a ball of soft, green life energy in the heart area. The light has a healing quality. As you breathe in feel the life force going in with the air, into the ball of life energy at the energy centre. Feel the life energy making the ball of light brighter and the life energy going though your body from your heart.
Say the word um-rith when the air is going in. The sound triggers the body to create perfect health in all body parts associated with the energy center connected to your heart.
CCSS Power Boosters
Stimulate The Energy / Nerve Centers
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